Spiritual and Emotional Healing
Spiritual and Emotional Healing

About The Owner
About The Owner
Barbara Berwick, AKA Barbara Anne Rose 🌹 (author name) is owner and operator of Spiritual and Emotional Healing. She has been a Massage Therapist since 2008. Before becoming a Licensed Massage Therapist, she was (and still is BTW) a Certified Personal Trainer and Nutrition Consultant. She also is a Life and Relationship Coach should you wish to utilize these services.
She has been working in the health and wellness field for over 30 years.
She loves what she does and it shows in her work.

Our Story
Our Story
We’ve loved every minute of our journey
We’ve loved every minute of our journey

An Idea Is Born
An Idea Is Born
During the time Barbara worked as a technician in a Physical Therapist office from 2001-2005 she would often rub patients shoulders while they were scheduling their next appointment. Each time they'd ask if she could home with them (teasingly of course). In 2002 before becoming a massage therapist she went to school and got certified as a personal trainer and nutrition consultant. She has worked on her own going to her clients homes, subcontracted with Graham Senior Center in Wilmington, De as well as subcontracting with Greenhouse Intl. and at a local gym in Newark, De. In June 2008 she attended The Academy of Massage and Bodyworks to become a Licensed Massage Therapist. Throughout her time being a massage therapist she has found many open up to her about personal and relational problems. She gave her two cents worth and has found out that some of her clients were getting better and faster results from her than with the clinical diagnostic counselors. Not that there is anything wrong with going to a clinical diagnostic counselor as Barbra does know her limits, but many have found her approach to be refreshing with her honest and frank advice.
In 2016 she decided to become a certified coach choosing to focus on life and relationship coaching.
More about Barbara
More about Barbara
Barbara is a self published author. Her book 'Angel Works: Soaring From Abuse to Love, Forgiveness and Enlightenment' was published in 2012.
To watch book trailer click here. Click on image will direct you to book store.
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Quality Service. Attention to Detail. Relaxation at its best.
We offer YOU Healing - Mind Body and Soul